PTFE/PFA Data Permeation & Resistance
PTFE / PFA lined piping is a large subject to discuss with many aspects to consider when specifying the best piping for an application. CRP is focused on supplying the highest of quality products into the most demanding applications, our products are widely used to convey highly corrosive media at elevated temperatures and pressures. Here we hope to share some of our experience and knowledge with you so you can make informed choices with your selection of process piping.
- Introduction into PTFE / PFA lined piping.
- Principle specifications used in lined piping.
- Fluoropolymers used to produce lined piping.
- Stress corrosion cracking.
- Chemical resistance of lined equipment.
- Static electricity within a lined piping system.
- Permeation within lined piping.
- PFA v Isostatically moulded PTFE lined piping.
- Traceability of our lined piping materials.
- Chemical resistance charts.
- Design Fundamentals.
- Pressure / Temperature Curves.